Thank you Beacon for helping us complete our study.
The City of Beacon concludes work on its Community Facility and Program Report. Thank you to everyone who participated! The findings of our report will help the City of Beacon plan the future of its community facilities and programs. It is our hope to determine the need for a centrally located “Community Center” to assist in serving the current and future needs for our community.
Community Facility and Program Report-Final
Thank you for participating!
Background on the Community Facility and Program Report
The City of Beacon is currently developing a Community Facility and Program Report. The Report will include an inventory of existing recreational facilities and programs and a community needs assessment to identify and evaluate opportunities to improve and build upon existing programs and facilities. Based on the findings of the Inventory and Assessment, the City shall develop a final report outlining alternatives and prioritized recommendations for the potential provision of additional facilities, programs, and services for the next ten (10) years.
Through the RFP process the City of Beacon selected the firm Weston and Sampson to perform the work necessary to complete the Community Facility and Program Report. Below is a summary of the project outlined by Weston and Sampson;
Project Understanding and Approach- The City of Beacon seeks to strategically develop a city-wide Community Facility and Program Report, which will focus on each of the city’s parks and recreational facilities and programs. This
master plan/report will identify current and possible future programming and facility opportunities at each of the parks and recreational facilities. The report seeks to include an inventory of the existing recreational facilities and programs,
analyze forecasted programming and recreational needs, identify park requirements, and recommend implementation strategies over the next 5, 10, and 20 year horizons.
Project Objectives
1. Develop a Vision: Preparing for the future, while retaining the past.
2. Develop Implementable Goals and Priorities: Focusing efforts on transforming conceptual goals into achievable priorities.
3. Develop an Implementation Strategy for Park Facilities and Operations.
4. Develop a Financially Sustainable and Innovative Park System.
Task 1 | Kickoff Meeting + Existing Conditions Analysis-complete
Task 2 | Community Recreation Needs Assessment-complete
Task 3 | Public Outreach-complete
Task 4 | Draft/Final Report-complete
Below you will find links to the work to date. This will be updated as we progress the planning process.