The City of Beacon will be hosting a film production on Thursday, May 16th, on the south side of Main Street in the area between Utensil Kitchenware (143 Main St.) and Digger Phelps Court.
Please be aware that parking will be reserved for film crew use along portions of Henry Street on both the North and South sides, in the Cliff Street Municipal parking lot, and along portions of the south side of Main Street between South Avenue and Cliff Street. The same stretch along the south side Main Street will have intermittent closure of sidewalk to pedestrians. The north side sidewalks will remain open throughout the day.
The area between South Avenue and Cliff Street will also have intermittent closures to vehicle traffic between the hours of 12 p.m. and 6 p.m. Beacon Police will be present to allow traffic through intermittently, and to reroute vehicles, as needed.
Loop Bus service will continue as normal but may briefly reroute to avoid any intermittent closures in the evening hours.
Parking, bus service, and sidewalk/road use will resume as normal on Friday, May 17th.