It’s Tick Season:
As the weather has gotten warmer, ticks are more active in the Hudson Valley and New York State. In recognition of Lyme Disease Awareness Month, please find a number of resources below to help you and your families avoid being bitten by ticks this year:
Infographics on Tick Safety:
Checking Yourself for Ticks & Tick Removal
Protecting your Pets from Ticks
Monitoring Your Backyard for Ticks
Minimizing Ticks in your Backyard
Helpful Printouts:
CDC Don’t let a Tick Make You Sick Flyer
CDC Understanding Tick Bites an Lyme Disease
CDC Lyme Disease: What You Need to Know Brochure
Health Links:
For information on reducing pesticide exposure, click here.
For information on Lyme Disease and other Tick related diseases, click here.
For Lyme Disease symptoms to watch for, click here.
For an interactive tool in monitoring tick activity and in identifying ticks, click here.